Oral Language

  • Early Literacy: The Importance of Oral Language (Neuhaus Education Center)
    Neuhaus Educational Center’s “The Importance of Oral Language” video is the first in a three-part training series. It explains the importance of oral language and models the “Naming” activity.
  • Oral Language (Reading Rockets)
    This is a series of seventeen videos, which explain the importance of oral language. Kids who hear more words spoken at home learn more words and enter school with better vocabularies. This larger vocabulary pays off exponentially as a child progresses through school. It’s never too soon to start talking to a baby — describing out loud everything that’s going on around you. It’s also important to listen and respond to what young children are communicating.
  • Oracy in the Classroom: Strategies for Effective Talk (Edutopia)
    School 21 develops confident students who can articulate their thoughts and learning with strategies like discussion guidelines and roles and structured talk tasks.
  • Utilizing Interactive Read-Alouds to Support Oral Language Development
    Reading aloud to children is a critical component of supporting their oral language development. When teachers regularly engage children in interactive read-alouds, including holding conversations before and after book-reading, children have opportunities to practice their oral language skills. Copyright 2015 by the center for Early Childhood Education at Eastern Connecticut State University. This video may only be used for educational purposes.
  • Supporting Oral Language Development in a Language-Rich Environment
    Oral language is the foundation for learning to read and write and is critical for supporting the development of children’s early literacy skills. This video introduces some of the rule systems of language that children need to master to develop strong oral language skills, and stresses the important role that preschool teachers play in modeling language and providing a language-rich environment in the classroom.