
  • MS Department of Education: Literacy Focus of the Month – November (Elementary) Fluency
    Phrase-cued Reading: In this video, the teacher demonstrates phrased-cued reading through the introduction of a phrase-cued text. The text is divided into natural pauses that occur in and between sentences. The phrase pauses help students improve their reading prosody. This and other strategies that support fluency can be found in the November section of the MDE Literacy Focus of the Month Manual.
  • Fluency (Reading Rockets)
    A series of fifteen videos discussing fluency as the ability to read a text accurately, quickly, and with expression. Fluency is important because it provides a bridge between word recognition and comprehension. When fluent readers read silently, they recognize words automatically. They group words quickly to help them gain meaning from what they read. Fluent readers read aloud effortlessly and with expression. Their reading sounds natural, as if they are speaking. Readers who have not yet developed fluency read slowly, word by word. Their oral reading is choppy.
  • Alternative Passage Reading Procedures: Dr. Anita Archer
    Dr. Anita Archer models how to listen to individual readers and during a whole group reading lesson.  She also models alternative ways for the whole class to read aloud texts, such as whisper reading, choral reading, cloze reading, and partner reading.
  • Fluency – Repeated Reading Activities
    This 5-minute mini-lecture describes a variety of activities that can be used to develop reading fluency. Dr. Andy Johnson, Reading Specialist.
  • Increasing Your Students’ Reading Fluency: Strategies That Work, Grades 1-3
    See national trainer Diane Murphy and other experienced primary educators working directly with young students, teaching them how to improve their reading rate, expression, phrasing, and intonation.
    The program includes time-effective ways to assess fluency skills and a variety of specific lessons on text clues, phrasing, emphasis, and expression. These fluency activities can be integrated very easily into existing reading instruction to better meet the literacy needs of students, grades 1-3.
  • Series Reading Program: Creating a Culture of Reading
    At Walter Bracken STEAM Academy, 100 percent of the fifth-grade students are meeting grade-level fluency standards in reading.  Watch to see how they accomplished it!
  • Read to Someone: A Component Of The Daily Five
    Explicit modeling of how to read to someone fosters literacy independence and growth in reading fluency and comprehension.
  • Reader’s Theater: Building Fluency and Expression
    Reading aloud from a script that has been adapted from a favorite book is a fun and motivating approach to instruction in fluency and expression.
  • Sight Word Resources
    List of sight words used by Dr. Heggerty when he served as Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction.